CMYK color and RGB color

There is a major difference between CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key) and RGB (Red, Green, Blue) colors. It is crucial for those who work as visual artists and graphic designers to differentiate between these colors. The primary difference lies in their specific purposes of use, whereas the secondary difference is their different working mechanism. Also, … Read more

Printer Offline

Many professionals and students encounter the problem of “Printer Offline“. Don’t worry, it is a general issue with most of the printers, but it becomes troublesome when it comes to submitting a printed document on a deadline. This is seemingly a difficult issue to address, but it has a simple solution. Let’s start to understand … Read more

Laser Printer Vs Inkjet

Printing technology has evolved from a manual typewriter to high-speed digital printing. Over the past century, digital printing technology has introduced laser printers and inkjet printers. These two types of printers are suitable for home and official usage. After reading this research blog you can differentiate laser printer vs inkjet. Take a moment to consider … Read more

Collate Printing

Collate meaning Collate generally means to collect and arrange in order (text, information, data, etc.). According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, collate means: “to collect, compare carefully to verify, and often to integrate or arrange in order.” Collate is a helpful printing option for a multi-page document to print into different sets. Define collate? It is … Read more

Printer Test Page

There are different brands of printers used worldwide. Also, each brand has its own models. These printers use their own software (drivers) to connect with computer systems. When it comes to taking a print test page, each printer brand and its model use specific software instructions or dedicated keys. This research article will guide you … Read more

Sublimation Printer

Imagine you have to give a birthday gift to your best friend: a large mug with a photo of your friend printed on it. This task will be furnished by the“Sublimation Printer” also known as a “Dye-Sublimation Printer” which performs such types of prints. It uses heat and pressure to print a desired image on … Read more